Membership Opportunity

We welcome you to consider membership at Mountain View Country Club.

We have been described as the “gem of the Northeast Kingdom.”  With our quality golf course, clay tennis courts, state-of-the-art pickleball courts, and social activities, we provide an unparalleled experience for families, couples, and single members. We are lucky to have a facility of this quality and beauty so close and accessible!

Persons at least 21 years of age are eligible for Regular Membership in MVCC with full privileges. Persons from 21 to 34 are eligible for Junior Membership, which carries no voting rights and converts to Regular Membership at age 35.

2024 Dues Information

 Pre-Tax Dues  Tax Dues With 6% Tax
Family  $       1,215  $       72.90  $  1,287.90
Dual  $       1,180  $       70.80  $  1,250.80
Single  $          830  $       49.80  $     879.80
Single/Social  $       1,045  $       62.70  $  1,107.70
Social (Single)  $          215  $       12.90  $     227.90
Social (Dual)  $          430  $       25.80  $     455.80
Jr Family  $          735  $       44.10  $     779.10
Jr Dual  $          700  $       42  $     742.00
Jr Single  $          495  $       29.70  $     524.70

FAMILY includes unmarried children under age 25:

DUAL includes a married couple or unmarried parent with one unmarried child under 25.

Policies and Procedures

The following policies and procedures have been adopted by the MVCC Board of Directors and are published here on the web for everyone’s information. These statements may change from time to time. The Board must approve exceptions to these policies and procedures. The hope is that this is a way to establish and maintain some institutional memory in a largely volunteer and seasonal club.

  • Birthdays. The longstanding MVCC membership policy on birthdays is that everyone’s birthday is January 1 of the year they were born. Without some such policy, all sorts of membership questions become very difficult, particularly when someone has a mid-summer birthday. Junior memberships are also age-dependent. Since January 1 is never in mid-season, this policy simplifies decisions for all involved.
  • Domestic Partners. The MVCC Board affirms the Club’s long-standing policy in support of Dual and Family Memberships for domestic partners of the same or opposite genders. The Board has considered some strict definitions of just what domestic partners are and has instead decided in favor of a broad policy of trust and expectation. The Board presumes that all members seeking a Dual or Family membership with a partner who is not a spouse will only do so when they live with their partners and have an established commitment to a long-term relationship. The Board presumes that members do not want to take advantage of the Club’s policies and prefers a policy of trust to a policing role.

Social Memberships

Social Memberships are reserved for members in good standing who are no longer able to play. Transition to social membership requires board approval.

2024 Initiation Fees:

Regular Membership (age ≥ 35)  $1,000
Junior Membership (age 25 – 34) $500
Junior Membership (age 21 – 24) $250

(These initiation amounts include tax)

New Members may elect to pay their initiation fee in one payment or in five annual installments of $220 (Regular Members), $110 (Junior Members, age 25-24), or $60 (Junior Members, age 21-24).

All Regular Members of the Mountain View Country Club also must subscribe to $100 of Club common stock. A Junior Member may not subscribe to stock but must do so when he/she becomes a Regular Member. No additional initiation fee is payable when a Junior Member becomes a Regular Member.

Fall, Spring and Single Season Permits

Visit the Playing Permits page to learn more about permit opportunities. We offer fall, spring, and one-time full-season permits.

About our Dues and Initiation Structure

People often ask about the dues and initiation structure of the Club and suggest interesting alternatives that invariably result in revenue loss and a lack of sustainability for the Club.

The basic idea is simple: If you belong to a club, that means you value that membership and what it gives you; it is not the number of times you use the club. MVCC has Regular Memberships for Singles, Duals, and Families, as well as Junior Memberships and Social memberships for those who no longer play golf and tennis.

Membership is vital to the sustainability of the club, and we are particularly appreciative of those many members who support the Club each year even though they do not play as much as they once did. A number of our members donate to the club beyond their dues amounts to help ensure the club remains viable for current and future generations. This sense of community and commitment is a critical part of Mountain View and is a part of its appeal.

Part of membership is a level of commitment. While any member is free to come and go, the modest initiation fee helps prevent the volatility that comes with individual members deciding to leave and re-join on an annual basis.

Mountain View’s board are all-volunteer members, and staff is limited. Part of our commitment is to maintain an affordable club experience for all members. The policies that the board implements are designed for this purpose.

Membership Application

We look forward to seeing you at Mountain View!

If you have questions, send an email to John Stone at [email protected]. You can also speak to any member of our Board for further information. The Membership Application Form is available here and at the Pro Shop.

Permit Applications